Sunday, June 16, 2013

Now to paint something for The Pastel Society of Victoria, Australia's 26th Annual Exhibition. I have many things on my mind that I'd like to paint, but let's see where these all take me. 

Lae finished, framed and presented....what a great feeling!!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

I'm painting again!

In the middle of a commission for my wonderful 'patron' Beverley ... a portrait of her very close friend Lae. There are no more beautiful people in this world than these two women and I am so privileged to call them my friends.

Still a lot more to do, but it's getting there.
The first version in charcoal.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Nellie Melba - painted for an exhibition to commemorate 150 years since her birth.

The renowned art historian, Andrew Mackenzie, curated this exhibition which was held in May 2011 at The Victorian Aritists Society Galleries in East Melbourne. Andrew invited The Pastel Society of Victoria, Australia, to take part in the portrait section of the exhibition, to showcase the wonderful pastel medium.
The aim was to celebrate this milestone with depictions of Dame Nellie Melba's role as Australia's most famous opera diva of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

I chose a postcard issued around 1894/5 showing her dressed in the role of Ophelie in the Paris production of Hamlet, a role that earned her the highest accolades from the critics of the time. I adore this pose which was taken in her early 30s when she was at the start of her career.

I used Art Spectrum Suede paper and Rembrandt, Unison and Lucas soft pastels for this painting. My aim was to try and create the look of an old fashioned hand-coloured postcard with delicate, subtle tones. 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

"WATER ... as we see it"

My sister - Rosemary Jones, three friends - Ana Greeno, Jan Harris and Marilyn Laney and myself have just opened our first joint exhibition.

"Capturing water in its many forms ... from the majestic power of the sea, cascading mountain rivers and waterfalls, the man-made beauty of a city fountain, mist in a far away glen, the tranquility of an inland lake, a simple glass of water on a cafe table ... to a tiny drop of water, they are only limited by their imagination! This exhibition is a celebration of water's life-giving beauty."
So states our press release.

Opening night on Thursday 16th September went very well and we thank all our friends, family and acquaintances who came along to support us. Seven wonderful people bought paintings - what a buzz it is to sell on opening night!!

Also huge thanks to Lyn Allison, who is a long time friend and former politician and leader of the Australian Democrats from 2004 - 2008, with a string of impressive acheivements to her name. She is still very active and on several boards including Vision Australia and is rearing a potential star pupil seeing eye dog.

Some of the paintings from this exhibition are added here.

Ophelia's Dream

Lunchtime in Centre Place, Melbourne

Steavenson's River, Marysville, 2010

Agapanthus in the Rain

Cascade, Mount Donna Buang

Trentham Falls

Green Pastures, Outtrim
Bunyip River, Koo Wee Rup
Lake Weeroona, Bendigo

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Libby Wirt ....

Here are some examples of my portraits using the pastel medium.
Commissions welcome - reasonable rates depending upon size, complexity and number of subjects.
Pastel enables artists to achieve paintings which range from the most delicate and subtle, to works of great vigour and luminous intensity of colour. Pastel will not suffer from cracking or yellowing as can occur with some other mediums. Pastels must be framed under glass and handled with care making certain that they are kept out of direct sunlight and away from water and damp (the latter applies to all paintings in any medium).